《藉口Go》是Antenna製作的節目,劉在錫每期與熟人talk,無主題閒聊,不定期更新。 主持: 劉在錫 嘉賓: Defconn、金鍾旼 UTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RnzOZt0egM
Jammer Antenna (Jamming Antennas) For Vehicles or Vehicle-mounted Jamming systems are wideband antennas for high-performance communication and jamming applications working in the frequency range of 200-6800 MHz.
These antennas provide a high-powered, ultra-efficient mobile multi-band jamming system that can be installed in any suitable vehicle. The system simultaneously jams the most widely used RF frequency bands, including cellular (CDMA, TDMA, GSM, HGSM, etc. ), satellite, walkie-talkie (VHF/UHF), and computer network (WLAN, WiFi, Bluetooth).
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以下內文出自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KR_Entertain/M.1694255842.A.401.htmlFT-RF